Nadine Caban



"True creative feelings do not lie on the surface of the soul.
When drawn upon from the depths of the subconscious, they strike not only the audience but the actor himself."

M.A. Chekhov



2018 July 11th-19th filming for project Dekra "Der einsame Weg", directed by Jana Anders

2017 August 12th-18th filmimg the short film: "Ich, zweimal" directed by Joerg Andre and me beeing Sam, the split personality.

February 2015 filming for "12 Theses"

Dec 16th/17th 2014 filming for Sat1 "In Gefahr"

Aug 2014 filming for Sat1 "In Gefahr"

New theater project directed by Horst Ruprecht:
"Sladek" ("Sladek oder die schwarze Armee") by Ödön von Horváth
Role: Anna